Accoric Blog

Revolutionizing Accoric Management: 2023’s Key Enhancements and Innovations

Accoric Management centralizes certification management, offers real-time certification verification with DashCards, streamlines renewal reminders with custom report generation, and provides valuable analytics via spreadsheet reports to identify potential gaps in training. We’re always improving for our clients and for the industry. As 2023 starts to draw to a close, let’s look back at some of Accoric Management’s key enhancements, and took a look to the future.

1.) Seamless Category Information Transfer

Utilizing categories in Accoric Management proves invaluable for efficiently organizing your workforce, particularly for businesses juggling multiple projects simultaneously. Post-2022, Accoric acknowledged feedback regarding the challenge of transitioning numerous employees between categories after project completion. In Q2 of 2023, Accoric introduced a practical tool, streamlining the process of transferring multiple employees between categories with just a few clicks.

Select multiple employees and quickly transfer them to another category.

2.) Help Guides

As Accoric Management expands its feature set, our aim is to ensure that this growth doesn’t translate into complexity for users. We want you to seamlessly leverage our new features without the hassle of navigating through confusing interfaces. Although we strive to keep all features user-friendly, we introduced the Help Guides section in Q3 to provide comprehensive assistance, guiding you through every aspect of Accoric Management’s features. But don’t forget, call us if you need us!

Help guides available to all users.

3.) History

Unveiling in Q4, the History section empowers you to conduct self-audits on your account, offering insights into the individuals responsible for specific changes. This feature proves particularly beneficial for those who have granted Full or Restricted access to colleagues within their organization. The history of changes is viewable for each individual employee profile in your Accoric Management account, as well as through a consolidated list of all global changes made on your account. Admins and users with Full access enjoy the privilege of reviewing changes made by all users, while those with Restricted access can only access the history of changes they themselves have made.

View global changes to your entire Accoric Management account. Useful for self-audits.

Looking to the future


Launching in 2024, SafetyLibrary serves as a complimentary add-on to your Accoric Management account, providing access to a collection of over 100 toolbox talk topics for your team. Easily view, download, and share with anyone on the job.

Personal DashCards

Scheduled for release in the fourth quarter of 2024, Accoric will introduce the Personal DashCard, enabling individuals to monitor and upload their personal certifications onto their very own DashCard. This functionality is advantageous for individuals who frequently move between different companies. Employers stand to benefit by swiftly creating employee profiles on their accounts and seamlessly transferring new hire information and certifications from the individual’s Personal DashCard directly to the employer’s Accoric Management account.